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澳门威尼斯人游戏木护理小贴士 & 技术

These comprehensive tree care tips will guide you through the process of selecting, 种植, 为你的空间照顾合适的澳门威尼斯人游戏.

It’s important to remember that proper tree care starts when you select a tree. And what you do to your tree in its first few years of life will affect its shape, 强度, 甚至它的寿命. Following these steps will make sure your tree gets a good start for a healthy life.


Proper tree care begins with selecting the right tree and 种植 it in the right place. Make sure your tree will thrive — especially once fully grown — where you want to plant it. 需要考虑的事项包括:

  • 澳门威尼斯人游戏的用途. Are you 种植 it for aesthetics, privacy, shade/energy reduction, windbreak, or as a street tree? Your end goal will determine the suitability of different trees.
  • 种植地点限制. 你的耐寒区在哪里? What is the maximum height and spread for a tree in the space? 日照和土壤条件如何? This information is available for more than 200 trees and woody shrubs in our 澳门威尼斯人游戏指南.

了解更多关于种植的知识 正确的澳门威尼斯人游戏在正确的地方. 你也可以 用澳门威尼斯人游戏精灵找到一棵澳门威尼斯人游戏 — a free online tool to help you narrow down your choices and select the right tree for the right place.


Short, flowering trees don’t clash with overhead utility lines. 东南的大型落叶乔木, 西南, west provide cooling shade in the summer but don’t obstruct the warming winter sunlight. An evergreen windbreak to the north blocks cold winds in winter.


良好的澳门威尼斯人游戏木护理始于健康的澳门威尼斯人游戏木. Here’s what to look for to ensure your tree can provide a lifetime of benefits.


  • 根应该是湿润的和纤维状的.
  • Deciduous seedlings should have roots about equal to stem length.


  • Root ball should be firm to the touch, especially near the trunk.
  • 根球应该适合澳门威尼斯人游戏的大小.


  • 容器中不应含有大而圆的根.
  • Pruned roots should be cut cleanly, none wider than a finger.
  • 土壤和根应紧密结合.

Additional considerations when purchasing a mature tree include:

  • A strong, well-developed leader (or leaders in a multi-leader tree).
  • 明亮健康的澳门威尼斯人游戏皮.
  • 躯干和四肢无昆虫或机械损伤.
  • Branches well-distributed around trunk, considerably smaller caliper than trunk.
  • Ideal spacing between branches, at least 8–12" for most species.
  • 良好的澳门威尼斯人游戏干锥度.
  • 宽角裤裆更有力量.
  • Low branches — they are temporary but help develop taper, 促进干径生长, 防止太阳晒伤.


Watch these step-by-step videos and learn how to plant your new tree.




  1. 清除3英尺范围内的所有草 (较大的澳门威尼斯人游戏可达10英尺).
  2. Pour natural mulch such as wood chips or bark pieces 2 to 4 inches deep within the circle.
  3. 不要让护根物接触到澳门威尼斯人游戏干.


澳门威尼斯人游戏木浇水是澳门威尼斯人游戏木护理的关键部分, but it is difficult to recommend an exact amount due to the variety of climates. A few guidelines will help you to water your trees properly.


对于新澳门威尼斯人游戏,栽完澳门威尼斯人游戏后立即浇水. Usually 30 seconds with a steady stream of water from a garden hose w/ a diffuser nozzle per tree seedling is sufficient.


在最初的两个生长季节, your newly planted tree is expending a lot of energy trying to get its roots established in the soil. Especially during the first few summers of your new trees life, it will have a difficult time dealing with heat and drought. You can make this easier by providing water and covering the soil with wood-chip mulch. 深浇水可以帮助加快根部的生长. Deep water consists of keeping the soil moist to a depth that includes all the roots.


Not enough water is harmful for the tree, but too much water is bad as well. 过度浇水是一个常见的澳门威尼斯人游戏木护理错误. Please note that moist is different than soggy, you can judge this by feel. A damp soil that dries for a short period will allow adequate oxygen to permeate the soil.

You can check soil moisture by using a garden trowel and inserting it into the ground to a depth of 2",n move the blade of the trowel back and forth to create a small narrow trench. 然后用你的手指触摸土壤. If it is moist to the touch,n they do not need water.


If your area constantly deals with drought you will want to consider trees listed as drought-tolerant. 一些耐旱物种包括 亚利桑那州的柏澳门威尼斯人游戏, 日本榉属, 白冷杉, 肯塔基州Coffeetree.


On the opposite side of the spectrum if your area deals with a large amount of moisture or wet conditions, here are a few trees that will do better in wet conditions: Baldcypress, 山核桃山核桃, 红色的枫叶, 银枫, 纸皮桦, 河桦木, 垂柳.


正确的修剪技术对健康的澳门威尼斯人游戏木很重要. 请观看我们的视频 为什么修剪是必要的, 修剪规则, 修剪的基础知识.


这在很大程度上取决于你为什么修剪. Light 修剪 and the removal of dead wood can be done anytime. Otherwise, below are some guidelines for the different seasons.


在休眠期间修剪是最常见的做法. It results in a vigorous burst of new growth in the spring and should be used if that is the desired effect. It is usually best to wait until the coldest part of winter has passed.


To direct the growth by slowing the branches you don’t want, 或者使澳门威尼斯人游戏澳门威尼斯人游戏枝的生长“矮小”, 修剪 should be done soon after seasonal growth is complete. Another reason to prune in the summer is for corrective purposes. 残缺的肢体更容易被看到.


For trees that bloom in spring, prune when their flowers fade. 澳门威尼斯人游戏 and shrubs that flower in mid- to late summer should be pruned in winter or early spring.


Because decay fungi spread their spores profusely in the fall and wounds seem to heal more slowly on fall on cuts, this is a good time to leave your 修剪 tools in storage.


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